Summer Academy VÕSU VIIS was held from 15. 07 until 19. 07. 2009 write(' '+ts1+ts2+' '); toom[no-Smpam) (+372) 51 88 010 Summer Academy VÕSU VIIS '09

Summer Academy VÕSU VIIS '09

was held from 15.07 until 19.07.2009

Summer Academy VÕSU VIIS '09
Tan Yiang Hoon from Singapur


Conductors and teachers 2009:
- Bert Langeler (Netherlands, repertoire)
- Endel Nõgene (Estonia, stylistics and interpretations)
Tan Yiang Hoon (Singapur)
- Kaido Otsing (Estonia, arrangements)
- Valdo Rüütelmaa (Estonia, wind band)
- Karmen Puis (Estonia, singing)

- classical
- opera
- light music (a la "estraadiraadio")


List of workshops:
- Special workshop, what's happening if some important instrument is missing, but concert must be done.
There is no problems, only solutions and right answers. (Bert Langeler)
- Score for organization (Toomas Peterson).
- Arrangements for different groups (Kaido Otsing)
Players, singers:
- ensembles
- free time activities


- Neopolitan lyric artist and composer Oscar Mancino (Italy)
- Flute players Laura Tide, Baiba Kokina and Agnese Asermane (Latvia)
- Composer and conductor Riivo Jõgi (Estonia)
- Rakvere City Orchestra, conductor Jüri Takjas (Lääne-Virumaa)
- Rakvere Music School saxophone quartet (Lääne-Virumaa)
- Wind Band Uhtna, conductor Jüri Takjas (Lääne-Virumaa)
- Tapa Wind Band, conductor Jüri Tüli (Lääne-Virumaa)
- Wind Band Väike-Maarja, conductor Vallo Taar (Lääne-Virumaa)
- Wind Band Kadrina, conductor Kaido Järvsoo (Lääne-Virumaa)
- Wind Band Loksa, conductor Lauri Metus (Lääne-Virumaa)
- Tartu 1st Music School Wind Band, conductor Kait Tiitso
- Salvador Sax Quartet, leader Toomas Peterson (Tartu)
- Big Band Tartu, conductor Lirike Vaher
- Jazzchoir HaleBopp Singers, conductor Lauri Breede (Tartu)
- Elva Clarinet Summer clarinet quartet, leader Tiit Veigel (Elva)


Summer Academy VÕSU VIIS '09
Open-air rehearsal of Festival orchestra
Summer Academy VÕSU VIIS '09
Kadrina Wind Band in Palmse manor


Timetable of festival (09.07.2009):
black – for musicians of „Võsu viis '09"
violet – for all musicians and audience
green – additional program of festival „Võsu Muusikapäevad (Võsu Music days)"


Wednesday 15.07.2009:
10:00 – team arrival, preparation of notes, rooms, materials etc.
12:00 – participants arrival, personal belongings to school or hotels
Players and singers Võsu Põhikool (Kooli 1, Võsu)
Teachers and conductors (Männiku 15, Võsu)
13:00 – lunch in Võsu Põhikool
14:00 – 1st rehearsal of festival orchestra (reading session) in Võsu Kultuurimaja
17:00 – Workshop for conductors: Arrangements for different groups
(Kaido Otsing) in Võsu Kultuurimaja
For others time for ensembles in Võsu Põhikool
18:30 – supper in Võsu Põhikool
20:00 – Opening ceremony of VÕSU VIIS '09 infront of Võsu Kultuurimaja
Concert of Rakvere City Orchestra (free)


Thursday 16.07.2009:
09:00 – breakfast in Võsu Põhikool
10:00 – rehearsal of festival orchestra in Võsu Kultuurimaja
13:00 – lunch in Võsu Põhikool
14:00 – Workshop for conductors: What's happening if some important instrument is missing
(Bert Langeler) in Võsu Kultuurimaja
15:00 - For others time for ensembles in Võsu Põhikool
17:00 – rehearsal of festival orchestra with Voldemar Kuslap in Võsu Kultuurimaja
18:30 – supper in Võsu Põhikool
20:00 – Opening ceremony of the festival VÕSU MUUSIKAPÄEVAD 2009 infront of Võsu Kultuurimaja
Concert with Voldemar Kuslap & "Vosu Viis '09" festival orchestra
Warming up: Wind Band Uhtna and Rakvere Music School saxophone quartet (free)
22:00 - Night concert in Palmse: Wind Band Kadrina (free)
22:00 - Night concert in Vihula: Wind Band Uhtna (freetasuta)
23:00 – Väikeste Lõõtspillide Ühing & Cover Company in Võhma Rahvamajas (ticket 100.-/75.- eek)


Friday 17.07.2009:
09:00 – breakfast in Võsu Põhikool
10:00 – rehearsal of festival orchestra in Võsu Kultuurimaja
13:00 – lunch in Võsu Põhikool
14:00 – Workshop for conductors: Score of organization (Toomas Peterson) in Võsu Põhikool
15:00 - For others time for ensembles in Võsu Põhikool
15.00 – Concert of Tallinn Quitar Quartet (Heiki Mätlik, Jorma Puusaag, Kristo Käo, Julia Kahro) in Võsu Kultuurimaja (ticket 75.-/50.- eek)
18.00 – Concert of Rakvere Music School Saxophone Quartet
in Vainupea kabel (free)
18:30 – supper in Võsu Põhikool
20:00 – Concert of Salvador Sax Quartet "From medieval to nowerdays",
"Võsu Viis '09" festival dixieland band in Võsu Kultuurimaja (free)
20:00 - Concert of Lauri Saatpalu & Peeter Rebane in Võhma Rahvamaja (ticket 100.-/75.- eek)
23:00 – Concert: Night of Saxophones: (Raivo Tafenau, Villu Veski & friends)
in Võsu Kultuurimaja (ticket 75.-/50.- eek)


Saturday 18.07.2009:
09:00 – breakfast in Võsu Põhikool
10:00 – rehearsal of festival orchestra in Võsu Kultuurimaja
13:00 – lunch in Võsu Põhikool
14:00 – Time for ensembles in Võsu Põhikool
14:00 – Marek Mere Instrument World presentation in Võsu Põhikool:
W.Keilwerth saxophones, Schreiber flutes, clarinets and oboes,
York (earlier Besson) brass instruments, Weril wind instruments
15:00 – Concert: KOIT TOOME & JORMA PUUSAAG – Hits of J. Joala & K. Toome, in Võhma Rahvamaja (ticket 100.-/75.- eek)
17:00 - G2 – progerock, jazzrock & fusion
Endel Jõgi Rivers (Austraalia/Estonia), Toomas Vanem & "The Limited Edition"
in Võsu Kultuurimaja (ticket 75.-/50.- eek)
18:30 – supper in Võsu Põhikool
20:00 – GALA-concert: "Võsu Viis '09" festival orchestra
Big Band Tartu & JazzChoir HaleBopp Singers "Something special"
in Võsu Kultuurimaja (free)
23:00 – Rock & Blues Night
1. The Real Deal, 2. Cake of Peace, 3. Rough Jewel (Canada/Estonia)
in Võsu Kultuurimaja (ticket 75.-/50.- eek)


Sunday 19.07.2009:
09:00 – breakfast in Võsu Põhikool
10:00 – leaving Võsu, driving to Tartu
14:00 – all participants arrival to Tartu, lunch in Treffner Gymnasium
15:00 – little rehearsal (if needed) in Vanemuine theatre
16:30 - quick sound-check on the stage
17:00 – GALA-concert and final ceremony of "Võsu Viis '09"
on the main stage of Hanseatic Days of Tartu
together with final ceremony of Hanseatic Days of Tartu
19:00 – leaving Tartu

Võsu Music Days will be continued on the same time:
12:00 - Kids from Lääne-Virumaa & youth bands „Vision" & „Fantasy"
in Võsu Kultuurimaja (free)
14:00 - Tõun, Bonzo & Band in Võhma Rahvamaja (ticket 100.-/75.-eek)
15:00 - Kaie Seger & big line-dance Sunday in Club Caravan (free)
In every hour line-dance lessons
17:00 - Concert: Pearls of Operet (Margit Saulep & Alar Haak, Siim Selis on piano)
in Palmse (ticket 120.-/90.- eek)
20:00 - County-party with bands Kannus and The Pickups in Club Caravan (free)


All information about Võsu Music Days -

Summer Academy VÕSU VIIS '09
Second GALA-concert in Tartu


Info about festival:
Bert Langeler (+372) 53 652 645
Toomas Peterson (+372) 51 88 010

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Kodulehe valmistamine

Summer Academy VÕSU VIIS

Tan Yiang Hoon from Singapur Conductors and teachers 2009: - Bert Langeler (Netherlands, repertoire) - Endel Nõgene (Estonia, stylistics and interpretations) - Tan Yiang Hoon (Singapur) - Kaido Otsing (Estonia, arrangements) - Valdo Rüütelmaa (Estonia, wind band) - Karmen Puis (Estonia, singing) Repertoire: - classical - opera - light music (a la "estraadiraadio") List of workshops: Conductors: - Special workshop, what's happening if some important instrument is missing, but concert must be done There is no problems, only solutions and right answers was held from 15.07 until 19.07.2009

Summer Academy VÕSU VIIS '09

Footer text write here, mostly used for contact data.